Gain understanding and meaning of Country, from the Nyoongar perspective, as you journey around the Optus Stadium Precinct and shores of the Derbal Yerrigan (Swan River). Tours run fortnightly or by request.
Nick has Cultural Authority to present the Welcome to Country service with his direct connection to Whadjuk, Yued, Ballardong, Wilmen, Wardandi and Binjerup People and Country.
Invite positive energy to your event, venue or special occasion with a Smoking Ceremony conducted by a Nyoongar Traditional Custodian. Participants learn about the significance of the Ceremony before being invited to participate.
Gain understanding and meaning of Country, from the Nyoongar perspective, as you journey around the Optus Stadium Precinct and shores of the Derbal Yerrigan (Swan River). Tours specific for 14 & 16 February
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